Friday, August 12, 2016

Text to Self: War of the Worlds

     I'm reading War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells. In War of the Worlds , a young man named Wells witnesses strange events on mars from the surface of the earth. One day, a large cylinder hits earth and slowly unscrews at the top.When people try to see what's inside something frightening happens. The large group of people are then destroyed by a heat ray and Wells is the only one left!The martians are unstoppable to everyone! Can anyone or anything stop this threat?
     My only self connection is that it's easy to imagine your self in the situation that others are in. Because of this weird and science fiction setting and story it's very hard to connect. This reminds me of someone I know because of their actions and bravery. The characters each act with different mind sets so I did connect to certain character's perspective on the situation.
    I dislike the writing because, no spoiler, but the end is anti-climactic and it kind of lets you down at the end. I also noticed the author sometimes skipped to unnecessary details. I wish he could have revised the book some more but over all it was a good book.

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